Quoted on Bustle.com for "11 Old-Fashioned Royal Wedding Traditions We Should Steal"
I was quoted in an article by Bustle.com titled "11 Old-Fashioned Royal Wedding Traditions We Should Steal"
“Because if anyone’s worth stealing a few tips from, it’s these two — especially since their Big Day will undoubtedly be a sight to behold. “Despite the fact that Prince Harry and Meghan are very much a modern couple, the Royal Wedding will still be richly steeped in tradition,” Danielle Gonzalez, wedding expert at the floral company Blooms by the Box tells Bustle. “The family has protocol in place for many elements of the celebration and while there may be some deviations from it, expect tradition to reign supreme on the Big Day. With that, if you’re a royal enthusiast, it could be fun to give a nod to the grand celebration.”
Read the full article here